FORAS call on Coughlan to 'sever all ties'


FORAS note the announcement that Mr. Tom Coughlan is to step down as Chairman of Cork City Football Club, following the comprehensive rejection by the High Court of his appeal against the FAI disciplinary committee's decision to ban him from all football related activity.

However, relinquising the Chairmanship does not to resolve the ongoing mismanagement of our club by CCIFL and Mr. Coughlan. FORAS wish to add our voices to those of our club's dedicated and loyal Players and Staff, as well as League of Ireland director, Mr. Fran Gavin, as they call on Tom Coughlan to relinquish control of Cork City FC.

During his tenure, Mr. Coughlan has been personally responsible for tarnishing the name of Cork City Football Club, inflicting undue suffering and hardship on players and staff, and alienating supporters.

With the deadline for completed licence applications upon us, we call on Mr. Coughlan to sever all ties with Cork City FC.

He is the barrier to any future progress for our club, and only by removing himself totally from Cork City FC can the people who truly have the best interests of the football club at heart, the supporters, staff and players, press ahead with the difficult job of rebuilding Cork City FC, and returning the club to glory.

FORAS Board of Management