Weather Watch: Airtricity League

Latest Updates:

  • Tolka Park passes pitch inspection


  • Belfield Bowl passes pitch inspection


With the adverse weather hitting the east coast over the last 36 hours, will be keeping you up to date on whether the two games due to play tonight will go ahead.


Shamrock Rovers are due to travel to UCD for a 7.05pm kick-off after last night's game was called off due to the extreme rain that fell. We will keep you updated on any pitch inspections.


Shelbourne play Finn Harps in Tolka Park at 8pm tonight. Tolka Park has had form in the past regarding flooding. We have contacted the Drumcondra based club and we will relay all information we get as the day goes on.


9:12am: Finn Harps buses will be leaving at 2.30pm today so a decision will need to be made before then. According to Shelbourne officials the pitch is not too bad, but they expect a pitch inspection for around midday.


9.17am: Further update on the Tolka Park situation from someone at the ground. The pitch is perfectly fine. The worry is the threat of further rain due later today.


9:53am: The rain is heavily falling again. Still no news on the UCD situation. Awaiting an update from the club itself and the FAI. Shels have been on again but nothing more to report bar the fact it's raining again. The bigger question is if the games were unable to be played, when could they be rescheduled.


10:16am: Wonder if the pitches are playable but unsafe for fans will the games be played behind closed doors?


10:55am: News from a source at Belfield. They were just out on the pitch. Small amounts of surface water remain at the sideline beside the stands. The goalmouth area has dramatically improved however. The official pitch inspection is due later but no time has been confirmed.


11:32am:  Shelbourne have announced that "A pitch inspection will take place at Tolka Park at 2pm today, ahead of the league game with Finn Harps. The pitch was fine after last night's heavy rain but a pitch inspection was deemed advisable today after further falls of rain this morning and more showers forcast." The moment we know the results of the pitch inspection we will post here.


12:21pm: There have been alot of fan reports and random officials contacting us with more positive reports on the state of the pitches and the blueness of the skies.Things are looking up for the games. We will have live updates from both games if they are to go ahead! 


12:36pm:  Latest update from UCD: "The UCD Bowl pitch will undergo a pitch inspection at 3pm. It will be inspected again at 5pm. At the moment there is very little surface water on the pitch. The UCD AFC Ticket office will open at 3pm at the UCD Bowl. Tickets that were purchased for Monday's game are valid for tonight's game."


13:35pm: Tolka Park has just passed a pitch inspection. The game will be going ahead tonight.


15:21pm: Belfield pitch is deemed playable and the game is now officially on!


If you have any pictures or comments, share them with us below.