Pats face big fat payout


The Eircom League Disputes Resolution Committee have judged that St Patrick's Athletic were in the wrong when the recently sacked midfielder Michael Keane.

Keane, signed from Rotherham last summer, was sacked on July 10th for being overweight. Failing to meet a target weight level, decided on by the club, was the reason given for the dismissal.

The Inchicore club argued that the player was not fit enough to fully perform the duties of his contract, however the Committee, after being furnished with scientific evidence to the contrary, came to the conclusion that Pats had terminated Keane's contract without just cause.

The Committee did not make any decision regarding costs or damages, they instead asked both parties to discuss the issue, or return to the Committee at a later date. St Pats have not ruled out appealing against the decision.

The Professional Footballers Association of Ireland (PFAI), along with their legal team, represented Keane at the hearing. The player himself was not available for comment, however PFAI General Secretary Stephen McGuinness, last night confirmed to that Keane was happy with the ruling, felt that the committee came to the correct conclusions, and was hoping to get back to playing football as soon as possible.