Playing Part-time is a full time job


Further fallout from Wednesday’s press conference as Aiden Lynch threw in his views on the part-time v full-time argument surrounding eircom League football.

“The demands on a Part-Time player have increased dramatically,” argued Lynch, who is nursing an injury, sustained six minutes into last weeks victory over Kildare County.

“It has gone ridiculous in the Premier Division, training and playing five times a week just to compete with full-time players” said Lynch, referring to his experience in the top tier and friends of his still there.

“You do it, because you love football. But you are working during the day, you are going training at night, your life is a mess” added Lynch.

Lynch’s manager, John Gill, spoke of the difficulties in attracting players to a club in the eircom First Division, citing ambition and money as the primary obstacles.

“I’ve spoken to five or six players, from around the Premier Division. I lost out on them though. Two or three opted to stay in the Premier Division, but move sides. Two or three we couldn’t afford” said Gill.

Gill argues that he wouldn’t “break the bank” for a part-time player, again alluding to the structure of the eircom League.

“I have great faith in what I have though” concluded Gill, after admitting he will keep up the search to help Dundalk push for promotion.

Gill found time to slate the disciplinary procedure in the eircom League. After praising the work Dermot Keely does as part of the LMA in getting managers off fines, he went on to criticise the structure with which managers have to work with.

“Some of the fines being dished out are manic. If you argue with a fourth official, it is an automatic four game ban. If a player head butts another player, he might get a two game ban. I feel they are coming down harsh on the managers and we have to be careful what we say.”