Prediction Challenge Results - Week 4


With 11 games played over last weekend, our three prediction challengers battled for the top of our Prediction Scoreboard.

The points system is simple with 3 points for a correct scoreline and 1 point for a correct outcome.

Dundalk fan Rory G correctly predicted five correct outcomes and collects five points.

Chris M predicted the correct outcomes in three matches to grab three points.

Andrew Cunneen representing the Extratime Team also correctly predicted five correct outcomes for five points.

Extratime scoreboard
Annette: 15 points
John: 14 points
Gareth: 13 points
Alan F: 12 points
Alan S: 9 points
Daire: 7 points
Shaun: 7 points
Robbie: 5 points
Andrew: 5 points
Rory: 5 points
Chris: 3 points
Martin: 3 points