GUST Launch Eircom League Fans Tournament


GUST (Galway United Supporters Trust) are running a fans tournament for EL Clubs ONLY on Saturday June 14th in Galway.

The event is non-profit for GUST and is being run to offer all EL supporters an oppurtunity for a weekend away in the company of fellow LOI fans.

After the event GUST will hold a reception for all players in a premier Galway Bar to be announced.

The entrance fee for teams will be minimal and Clubs may enter as many teams as they like. Vice Chairman of GUST Conor Holland said; "The weekend promises to be one to remember and we are hopeful that as many Clubs as possible will particpate especially with this weekend having no matches due to the mid-season break.We feel 5-10 supporters from each club should be attainable".

Furthermore he added,"We've build some good realtionships with fellow supporters over the years by inviting each club's supporters to our local bar for a pre match reception.We're keen for this to continue and this weekend should be a great success".

Chairman of GUST,Ronan Coleman added:"This should be a great weekend of football in Galway"."GUST are looking forward to meeting up with the supporters of all the Eircom League Clubs"

For details on the event Contact:
Ronan Coleman (087 6972823)
Conor Holland (087 2184132)