PFAI still in favour of mid-season break


The Professional Footballers’ Association of Ireland (PFAI) have stated that 86.3% of their membership is in favour of continuing a mid-season break in June of each season.

After surveying the players despite some criticism about the break from supporters and pundits, the association’s members have voted emphatically in favour of keeping the break.

“It is important to get the view of our members at a time when the league is assessing next season’s match calendar,” PFAI secretary Stephen McGuinness said after releasing the results.

“The general theme in relation to the survey is not only do the players want to keep the break but they also want a clearly defined period where no training or games can take place. Currently players are at the mercy of the manager and the club and are unable to plan ahead.

McGuinness continued: “The other worrying aspect was the amount of players who go unpaid during the break with 28.7% of players not receiving pay. In any other employment people get holidays and are fully paid no matter if they are full time or part time. As an Association we would like to see the length of season 2009 restored to ensure that fixture congestion is at a minimum.”

The PFAI have submitted the survey information to league director Fran Gavin ahead of plans for next season.