Reaction from Shels win over Monaghan


Speaking with immediately after the 2-0 win over Monaghan, Shels’ Damien Brennan and Greg O’Halloran were happy with the win that keeps Shels’ on course for top spot in the eircom First Division.

Brennan, who scored the winner, put the win down to Shels’ better fitness and general quality throughout the side:

“It was a good result. We didn’t play well in the first half although we got a goal similar to the Kildare game. They were happy to put five in midfield and it made it hard. Dundalk got the draw, and Waterford too I think, so it’s a good result all round.

“We didn’t use the space for the full backs enough in the first half. And then in the second half, when teams get a little more tired I think it’s easier for us. It’s no fluke that in the last two games that has happened.

“Now we have to go to Athlone and going into the break I think we have to win our next two games. We’ve only lost one, and kept a lot of clean sheets. We lost against [Monaghan], I don’t know what way they played I think it was 4-6-0 or something but they didn’t seem to come out.

“But that’s grand because obviously some teams are more inferior to us and that’s not being disrespectful, it’s just how it is. We have better players.”

Both goals came from corners, and after Robbie Hedderman had scored the first, it was his flick on that found Brennan at the back post for the second:

“Yeah, two goals from set pieces. It’s all about the delivery; if its good then we have a big enough back for to do it. Yeah, he (Hedderman) thought the second was going in but it was never going in, I had to make sure of it.

John McDonnell, Brian Kerr and Paul Doolin were all in the stands watching this game, and Brennan, like the rest of us, suspect they’re eyeing up Shels’ hit man Anto ‘bisto’ Flood:

“They’re probably up watching Bisto. He’s doing well, he hasn’t scored now in a while but he’s the youngest and those days are passed most of us.”

“Dermot was onto us at half time about pushing Robbie Hedderman and James Chambers forward more because obviously they were playing three in the middle, but it’s just a frustrating game when they come and play five across midfield, it’s just tough. Myself and David McGill try and go forward but with the extra man they make that difficult.” added O’Halloran.