Rogers parts company with Cork


Cork City have announced that Liverpudlian defender Dave Rogers has been released from his contract by mutual consent.

In a statement released by the club on Saturday, Cork manager Tommy Dunne said: “I wish to thank Dave for the service he has given the club since he signed. His experience has been an important asset to us in the opening months of the season, however due work commitments, he has not been able to devote the time that both he and the club would wish for to playing for Cork City. On behalf of all at the club, I would like to wish Dave the best of luck for the future.”

The club’s focus will now turn to strengthening the squad with experienced players in the upcoming transfer window, and Dunne said: “We will be looking to see what options are available to us when the transfer window opens in July, and if there are experienced players available who can strengthen our squad, we will certainly be looking to do what we can.”

Dave Rogers scoring against Hadjuk Split for Shelbourne