Provincial Councils release statement

The Provincial Associations/Junior Council Committee, which represents the four provincial football associations and all junior and youth football through 37 leagues across Ireland, met yesterday in Dublin and have issued the following statement in relation to recent actions by some League of Ireland clubs.

The statement reads:

The Provincial Junior Council Committee has been a strong supporter of the five-year merger between the FAI and the League of Ireland and has backed the massive investment by the Association in the senior game since 2007. However, our support for an extension of the merger beyond 2011 should not be taken for granted.

The Committee is extremely concerned at the manner in which Limerick FC behaved during its recent disagreement with the FAI over the decision not to grant permission to play a friendly match against Barcelona FC at Thomond Park.

As an important part of the Association, we know that significant funding is invested into the running of the Airtricity League clubs but the actions of some last week was disappointing. The commercial benefits that will be derived from the control of large club friendly fixtures at the Aviva Stadium stand to benefit all affiliates of the Association as well as the Airtricity League.

It is also disappointing that Limerick FC deliberately chose to go public at the same time as the Aviva Stadium was being officially opened and their recent actions are unhelpful to improving relationships between the professional and amateur games.

The Committee hopes that all League of Ireland clubs will take on board its concern at recent events and recognise that we expect the FAI to act in the best interests of the entire football family and not just one particular club.

Under the leadership of the FAI, all levels and sectors of Irish football have made tremendous progress in recent years and we are pleased at the manner in which our sport has been governed since December 2004.