Mystery boss to start next week


Following a round of intense, delicate negotiations that tested the limits of human endurance, a decision has been reached and, FIFA clearance permitting, we are proud to announce that our newest columnist, a yet to be announced Premier Division manager, will be filing his first take on life in football, both in and outside of the League of Ireland, in the coming days to be published on Tuesday June 1st.

In the middle of a tense Airtricity League campaign, and with a World Cup in South Africa looming large, this man's knowledge and insight should prove a riveting read, so stay tuned. All will be revealed on Saturday morning before the next round of fixtures.

Once more, on the back of this news, we are inviting both regular and newcomers to the site to have a guess at who the new addition to the site will be. This is not a trick question. You have ten choices and the winner who is drawn out of a hat on the day of the first installment will receive a signed home jersey from the manager in question's club.

To enter, and be quick as this column could begin any day now, simply email with the name of the manager you think has joined our ever-growing team of writers, as well as your name, address, and telephone number, as the winner will get their picture taken with the boss in question as well as a signed jersey before an upcoming Airtricity League Premier Division game.

Hints as to who the manager in question is are available on our Facebook page, but only first answers are allowed so be careful and good luck.