Shrewsbury Town add goalkeeper Toby Savin on two-year deal

Goalkeeper holding ball

Shrewsbury Town have confirmed the acquisition of goalkeeper Toby Savin on a two-year contract. Credit: None

Shrewsbury Town have confirmed the acquisition of goalkeeper Toby Savin on a two-year contract.

Savin, who has over 100 EFL games under his belt, chose Shrewsbury following discussions with manager Paul Hurst, director of football Micky Moore, and goalkeeper coach Brian Jensen.

"Toby is a keeper that has got a lot of games behind him – especially when you consider his age,” said Hurst.

"Last season was a difficult one with a couple of injuries. But before that, he managed to get over 100 appearances under his belt, most of which were in League One."

Hurst highlighted Savin's potential and the interest he generated from higher-tier clubs during his time in League One.

“He is a player with plenty of potential and has all the attributes to be a really good goalkeeper,"Hurst noted.

"Our job – and particularly Brian Jensen’s – is to make sure he fulfils that and becomes the best version of himself.”