LIVE STREAM - esports Cup Final - Waterford -v- Shamrock Rovers

Friday night lights might be (temporarily) suspended in the League of Ireland but two of the league’s sides go head to head tonight in the eSports Cup Final (STREAM STARTS 7pm - Interviews start 6.45pm).



Shamrock Rovers playmaker Aaron McEneff and Waterford's Tyreke Wilson will face each other in the first ever esports Cup final. 

Kick-off scheduled for 7pm – and is live on the Youtube channel. Prior to the game, Oisin Langan will be talking to McEneff and Wilson. (roughly 6.45pm)

The action will be continued to be called by both Oisin Langan (@OisinLangan) and pro FIFA player, Eric Finn (@XampL_Xx).

Key Links for the eSports Cup


YouTube Channel for Matches

Fixtures and Results

Group 1 Table

Group 2 Table Sportscast Special - Interviews with Players

With sporting events around the country called off due to the extremely challenging circumstances facing the country due to coronavirus/COVID-19, some of Ireland’s leading League of Ireland stars are taking their football skills online to help raise funds for CysticFibrosis Ireland’s 65 Roses Day.

The esports Cup will see ten players from Ireland’s Premier Division take up their PlayStation 4 (PS4) consoles and tackle each other from the comfort of their own homes in the FIFA20 video game.

Funds raised on 65 Roses Day go towards supporting people with cystic fibrosis and providing them with a better quality of life through funding of grants for exercise, transplant support, fertility treatment and counselling; support for research and advocacy work to help improve CF services in Ireland; and direct funding of CF units and CF specialist staff in hospitals across Ireland.