Fallen wall disrupts Bray game


The wall collapsed in the 68th minute as Gary Twigg was celebrating his goal. After scoring at the Bowling Alley End, he ran over to celebrate in front of the Shamrock Rovers fans in the Away Stand. It is believed the wall collapsed when fans ran forward and put too much weight on the wall which then gave way. The Rovers players immediately informed referee Anthony Buttimer and the game was paused.

Gardaí and Bray stewards surrounded the section that had collapsed, an area about ten feet in length. Paramedics arrived and treated two people. One, a child, was checked by the paramedics and allowed to leave. The second, a middle-aged man, was placed in a neck brace and placed on a stretcher before being taken to hospital in an ambulance. It appears the neck brace was a precautionary measure as he was moving his arms whilst on the stretcher.

Once the two people were removed, members of the Fire Service, the Gardaí and the Bray stewards removed the loose bricks and advertising hoardings while other members of the Fire Service knocked down the rest of the wall in that section with sledgehammers.

As the paramedics were treating the two people, Rovers boss Michael O'Neill came over to the Rovers fans and asked them to move away from the area where the wall collapsed

. The match was delayed for a total of thirty minutes while the people were being treated and the wall was being demolished and cleared up. Once the match resumed, Gardaí and stewards remained in the area until the end of the match.

Bray wall

Bray wall

Bray wall

Bray wall