Women's National League season officially launched

Today saw the launch of the 2015-16 Continental Tyres Women’s National League with a day filled with activities at the FAI’s headquarters in Abbotstown. A select group of players, coaches and officials from the eight clubs assented on the capital for today’s events.


The morning session began with players from all eight clubs participating in both mixed team and individual events on the new 3G pitch at the side of the FAI headquarters.


As the players enjoyed their mornings’ activities, the assembled coaches and staff members from the respected clubs took part in workshops organised by the FAI, National coach Sue Ronan and High Performance Director Ruud Dokter delivered a performance workshop, while representatives from Glasgow City gave a seminar on Marketing and Communications.


When the morning’s activities concluded, RTE Sports correspondent Jacqui Hurley, who is a leading figure in women’s sports, lead today’s media events - which for the first time was broadcast live via the WFAI website.


Speaking to the assembled guests, FAI League Director of Competitions Fan Gavin spoke about the growth of the league from its infancy and welcomed newly formed Kilkenny United and Shelbourne Ladies FC


“The Continental Tyres Women’s National League is entering its fifth season and it is now firmly established as the top level within Irish women’s football and the standard that every player and coach, with the ambition and ability to be the best, wants to operate at.


“I’m fortunate to have seen the league grow from an idea into what it is today and while there have been plenty of twists and turns along the way it is quite apparent that we are heading in the right direction and, this season, the addition of a new club, Kilkenny United, and the amalgamation of Raheny United and Shelbourne, are positive steps forward.”


Gavin was also quick to pay thanks to league sponsors Continental Tyres, who ensured today’s events were possible and the Director of Competitions are looking forward to the continued growth of their partnership with women’s soccer in Ireland.


“One area where we as a League have been lucky has been in the areas of sponsorship. Continental Tyres interest in promoting women’s football has been tremendous and since they have come on board, we have formed an excellent partnership which has definitely helped to raise the profile of women’s football in Ireland.


“This novel day-long launch of the 2015-16 season is another example of Continental’s desire to push the boundaries and that can only benefit Irish women’s football in the long run. We are looking forward to an exciting season and seeing our clubs and players continue their development.”


Guy Frobisher Head of Marketing for the UK & Ireland for Continental Tyres revealed the brand is fully committed to the continuous growth of Women’s football and they aim to provide necessary skills required to assist the clubs.


“Continental Tyres is committed to helping to grow women’s football in Ireland. We’re focused on working closely with the FAI to help equip everyone involved with the league – from coaches to players to communities - with the necessary skills and expertise to help profile and ultimately to grow the appeal of women’s football in Ireland from grassroots to national level.


“The Women’s National League is already showing positive signs of growth after our first year of sponsorship and we want to build on this throughout the season. We know how important it is that we continue to push the boundaries by getting people out to support their local football teams.”


When the Media launch concluded, Jacqui Hurley then lead a panel discussion which featured Ruud Dokter as well as Ireland Women’s National Team manager Sue Ronan, Continental Tyres Women’s National League Player of the Year 2014-15 Aine O’Gorman, Continental Tyres Performance Coach Leon Turner and Glasgow City Club Manager Laura Montgomery.


After the commencement of the day's media event, the final activity saw the Women’s National League XI play a 30 minutes a side exhibition against a Women’s National XI.